Power BI for advanced analytics – part 2

Did you know apart from enterprise-scale data modeling and data visualization features, Power BI also includes advanced analytics tools such as clustering, forecasting, anomaly detection and Machine Learning? If you already knew that, do you know how to use them correctly and get the most out of them? In this session spanning multiple parts, we will cover these advanced analytics tools in detail to gain thorough understanding of them so you can use them confidently in your reports. We will also cover how to deploy machine learning models in Power BI.

About the Speaker:
Sandeep is a Simulation & Data Analytics engineer. His background was in research in Mechanical engineering and product development and always used Statistics to analyze data. For the last four years, he has been using Data Analytics & Machine Learning to improve manufacturing operations. He has an MS in Mechanical Engineering, Masters in Engineering Management with focus on business analytics, and is a certified Azure Data Scientist.

17:00 – 17:05 Welcome
17:05 – 17:55 Power BI for advanced analytics
17:55 – 18:05 Q&A


November 3


05:00 pm - 06:00 pm

Event Category:

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